19 Things That Taste Better Than Candy Corn

    Happy Halloween.

    1. Hot dog water.

    2. The leftover crumbs stuck in Guy Fieri's goatee.

    3. Chalk.

    4. Urinal cakes.

    5. Old, dried-up skin from a Ped Egg.

    6. That bag of expired mystery cheese you randomly find in your roommate's fridge.

    7. This bag of fat.

    8. Crocs.

    9. The black-flamed candle from Hocus Pocus.

    10. A lurking fungus in the locker room.

    11. Lube.

    12. The inside lining of someone's running shoes.

    13. Ear wax.

    14. This lady's amazing fingernails.

    15. The entire trash compactor room from Star Wars.

    16. Krumm's hairy armpits.

    17. This cigarette, mixed with fresh vomit.

    18. Bicycle girl from The Walking Dead.

    19. And the union between Robin Thicke and Miley Cyrus.