An Ode To Guy Fieri's Goatee

    What beauty, these wondrous whiskers. What grace.

    Oh, to grace the face of such beauty.

    To square the lips of a mouth such as this.

    To blow so wildly, so wildly you must blow.

    Oh, goatee, the sights you have seen...

    The crumbs you have held.

    The dreams you have dreamed.

    The terrors you've beheld.

    Whiskery wisps flowing in the winds like reeds swaying in sunset.

    Oh, goatee, the brushes you must feel.

    The tastes you must taste.

    The wonder you are to behold.

    What elegance.

    What wildness.

    A flash of lightning in a dark, dense bush.

    A statement of such simplicity. Such power.

    Declaring now and forever...

    ... "I am."