Don't Tag Me — For Everyone Who Knows The Struggle Of Being Tagged In Photos


    Ever want to let loose and maybe get turnt at a party without having social media know about it? This song is for you. Prepare to have this rap stuck in your head for all eternity.

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    Are you ever just feelin' your look at a party, having a good time, then GOOD OL' DYLAN COMES ALONG and tries to tag you in a picture?

    DYLAN, GTFO. Things like this happen, and the internet's forever.

    Then, Friday rolls around and you just want to let off some steam with your work buddies. GUESS WHAT? Your work BFF TRIES TO TAKE A PICTURE OF YOU.

    AND THEN, irreversible damage like this happens:

    Finally, when you want to look cool and successful, but not too boring and corporate, you get tagged in a work photo and it's like, COULD YOU NOT?!

    And now you have the most influential motto of all time...

    ...and a song that you'll never be able to get out of your head.