Emma Thompson Sends World Leaders Personalised Climate Messages From The Arctic

    "Climate change is real. I'm standing on it!"

    Oscar-winning actress Emma Thompson has sent photographs from the Arctic calling on world leaders to take action on climate change, including Australia's prime minister, Tony Abbott.

    #BREAKING: Emma Thompson blasts Tony Abbott on climate change from Greenpeace ship in Arctic waters @savethearctic

    Thompson is on the trip with environmental activists Greenpeace and her 14-year-old daughter, Gaia Wise. Also on the trip are Canadian actress Michelle Thrush and her 14-year-old daughter, Imajyn Cardinal.

    Michelle, Emma, Gaia and Imajyn sending messages from the ice. Join them & #SaveTheArctic http://t.co/hWXIk4kBIH

    The 55-year-old star of Sense and Sensibility, Love Actually, and the Harry Potter series has travelled to the remote island of Spitsbergen to raise awareness of the melting of the Arctic glaciers.

    Her work with Thrush and the Greenpeace ship Esperanza is being documented via the hashtag #SaveTheArctic.

    Many GP ship crew are inspired by #Emma & @mizthrush. On board crushes perhaps? You can help @ http://t.co/Ny4SxotPL6

    And Thompson seems to be an absolute hit with the crew.


    The group began the journey on Monday after a series of training exercises in London.

    Emma Thompson an I receive boat training today on the Thames River, 2morrow we sail north! #SaveTheArctic #Greenpeace

    #SaveTheArctic is being closely followed by Thompson's famous friends.

    If you think there is no hope for the Arctic, you don't know my pal Emma! Go, ers! #savethearctic. Hanx http://t.co/7T7Yb4n9GA

    Wishing Emma luck as she bravely sails with @Greenpeace to help #savethearctic. Follow her journey @savethearctic http://t.co/x2zNcdp8rw

    My dear friend Emma is sailing with Greenpeace to help #savethearctic. Follow her journey at http://t.co/vUSfllvGKa or on @savethearctic

    Speaking from the deck of the Esperanza, she told Greenpeace: "We're told that it is our fault, global warming... But that simply is not fair. Most of us want cleaner lives, but our governments don't make these things available for us."

    "Climate change is possibly the most pressing challenge of our time." Act now: http://t.co/IqmWXJnqei #SaveTheArctic

    Thompson: "I hope that people stop feeling so guilty and powerless about climate change. That's the lie that keeps us paralysed, when really, together, we are so much more powerful."

    #Gaia: It’s flippin’ cold. #Savethearctic http://t.co/YvEjnEKOaQ