• Best of 2012 badge

The 21 Biggest Jerks Of 2012

These tweets are actually the worst.

1. This girl who can't take a compliment.

2. This person who lulz at hungry people. Also Africa. Also the delete button.

3. This waiter hater.

4. These people who want to assassinate the president.

5. Swastika trenders.

6. These reverse-racism activists.

7. All these drunk drivers.

8. This equal opportunity racist.

9. This woman having a personal conversation with Donald Trump and Donald Trump Jr.

10. This rapist trying to make it easier for himself.

11. These parents who dressed their babies like Hitler.

12. This guy who wants to sell his future daughter for money and fame.

13. This guy who is not nice.

14. This guy who just became Bill Nye's archnemesis.

15. This person who doesn't understand why the White House is white.

16. This person concerned about human extinction.

17. This lady who wants children to dumb 4eva!!!1!

18. These people who will make great parents one day.

19. These girls who think feminism sucks.

20. This teenager.

21. Chris Brown. Still.