A Mercury Retrograde Survival Guide

    How to pass the time until Mercury turns direct.

    So, perhaps you've heard that Mercury is in retrograde. We want to help you get through it.

    If you don't yet know what Mercury retrograde means, here's a good primer.

    If you need to know, at any given moment, if Mercury is in retrograde, here's a good way to find out.

    If you know what it is, or have FELT what it is, here are some things you might try to help make the whole disastrous process easier on yourself.

    1. Turn off your phone for a couple days.

    2. Make a list/Pinterest board of things you want to buy once Mercury goes direct.

    3. Spend some time perfecting a family recipe. (Or one from Martha Stewart.)

    4. Extend the olive branch.

    5. On the other hand, don't feel like you HAVE to mend fences.

    6. Meditate.

    7. Have some friends over for a low-key dinner party.

    8. Buy a book of crossword puzzles.

    9. Take a hike instead of going online.

    10. Wait at *least* 15 minutes before responding to any text message.