Listening To All Of One Direction's Music As A 33-Year-Old Man

    Kip is my favorite.

    As an experiment, I listened to all three of One Direction's albums, noting my thoughts for each song.

    Full disclosure: The only knowledge I have of One Direction is what I've gleaned from passing segments on television and blurbs from the internet. I have never formally listened to them. Until today, that is. So, without further ado...

    Album: Up All Night, released in 2011

    Album: Take Me Home, released in 2012

    Album: Midnight Memories, released in 2013

    In conclusion: One Direction just isn't for this old man. They dress nice and seem like decent guys, and I would be happy to sit and have a drink with any of them. Especially Kip, since he will always have a soft spot in my heart.