24 Famous Historical Quotations Literally Made So Much Better

    Like, literally.

    1) "We are literally what we repeatedly do." - Aristotle

    2) "I am literally become death, destroyer of actual worlds." - J. Robert Oppenheimer

    3) "History will be kind to me for I literally intend to write it." - Winston Churchill

    4) "We literally need to be the change we want to see in the world." - Gandhi

    5) "Glory is fleeting, but obscurity is literally forever." - Napoleon Bonaparte

    6) "Mr. Gorbachev, literally tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan

    7) "Give me liberty, or literally give me death." - Patrick Henry

    8) "I know I have the body of a weak, feeble woman; but I literally have the heart and stomach of a king." - Queen Elizabeth I

    9) "Blood alone literally moves the wheels of history." - Benito Mussolini

    10) "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to literally do nothing." - Edmund Burke

    11) "Religion... is literally the opium of the people." - Karl Marx

    12) "Yesterday, December 7, 1941 - a date which will literally live in infamy..." - Franklin D. Roosevelt

    13) "A house divided against itself literally cannot stand." - Abraham Lincoln

    14) "That which does not kill us, literally makes us stronger." - Friedrich Nietzche

    15) "Necessity is literally the mother of invention." - Plato

    16) "I literally have a dream..." - Martin Luther King Jr.

    17) "Houston, we literally have a problem." - James Lovell

    18) "Literally no one can make you feel inferior without your consent." - Eleanor Roosevelt

    19) "Ich bin literally ein Berliner." - John F. Kennedy

    20) "It was literally the best of times, it was literally the worst..." - Charles Dickens

    21) "If you can keep your head when literally all about you / Are losing theirs and blaming it on you." - Rudyard Kipling

    22) "Tread softly because you literally tread on my dreams." - William Butler Yeats

    23) "Reader, I literally married him." - Charlotte Bronte

    24) "Hell is literally other people." - Jean Paul Sartre

    Inspired by this amazing tumblr post.