15 Celebrity Scandals You Wish Happened In 2011

    2011 gave way to plenty of celebrity scandal, from Lindsay Lohan's hearings to Anthony Weiner's, well, weiner. But if only these things had happened, then 2011 may have been that much stranger.

    1. Doug Hutchison turns out to be Courtney Stodden’s father

    2. Ashton Kutcher & Demi Moore/ Will Smith & Jada Pinkett wife swap

    3. Charlie Sheen turns over a new leaf commissions rehab center called "'Bi'-Your Side Coping Center for Those Who Want to Win"

    4. Rick Perry sends inappropriate Pics to Anthony Weiner

    5. Justin Bieber is actually father of Mariah Yeater's baby

    6. Michelle Bachmann’s eyes are sent back to their home planet

    7. Kim Kardashian loses everything in divorce, forced to work retail

    8. Lady Gaga dresses normally

    9. Ryan Gosling is actually a woman carrying George Clooney’s baby

    10. Kristin Stewart shows emotions resulting in her head exploding

    11. Lindsay Lohan's teeth go on vacation

    12. The Jersey Shore new season takes place in monastery instead of Italy

    13. Robert Pattinson's jawline files for divorce

    14. Macho Man Randy Savage is resurrected

    15. Rebecca Black announces her early retirement from booming music career