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18 Dance Moves We Learned In 2013

Hint: It was the year of the twerk.

1. The "Single Ladies" handshake, part two: "I WOKE UP LIKE DIS"

2. The couch bounce.

Basically every dance move in "Started From The Bottom":

3. The Toronto Snow Swat...

4. ... The “Whoa Whoa Whoa, Where Am I?”...

5. ... aaaand the vacation swag walk.

6. The butt-cheek isolation twerk.

7. The slow partner-twerk.

8. This, I guess?

9. THIS. Yes... just... ALL of this.

Rihanna, "Pour It Up"

10. The "cha-ching" fist pump.

11. WERK...

... WERK...


12. Yiking.

13. The stripper kick.

Beyoncé, "Drunk In Love"

14. The married man shuffle.

15. Not the horsey ride you remember as a kid.

16. The diva power-squat.

17. The ladylike "give it to me" hip swivel.

18. And if all of those moves are too advanced for you... there's always the Harlem Shake.**