10 Completely Awkward Moments In Men's Fashion At The Oscars

    Women dominate fashion conversation at this nonsense, but the Oscars are really a time for equal opportunity judging.

    1. Seth MacFarlane's incredibly heavy makeup.

    2. The matching long hair on these three behind-the-scenes guys who won awards.

    3. Anne Hathaway expressing envy over Ryan Seacrest's hair style.

    Which appeared to be the texture of marshmallow fluff.

    4. Russell Crowe looking sweaty and uncomfortable in his tux all night, like it was too tight.

    (Or maybe he was just nervous about the fact that he had to try to sing.)

    5. Jamie Foxx's sparkly bow tie.

    6. Keith Urban's hair looking just like Nicole Kidman's but two inches shorter.

    7. Bradley Cooper's hair resembling pottery.

    And in the back, looking like it was actually in a little nubby ponytail.

    8. John Travolta's hair resembling wet cake batter.

    9. Justin Theroux having to model his clothes this far away from Jennifer Aniston at all times.

    10. George Clooney's beard.