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    37 Things For Anyone Who Spends Basically All Their Time In The Kitchen

    Whether you're a more experienced cook or just getting started, these useful products are here to be your kitchen helpers.

    1. Heavy-duty cleaning wipes that'll remove sauce and grease splatters with ease.

    The canister of wipes sitting next to a messy microwave

    2. A compact binder for collecting all your favorite recipes (from grandma's secret casserole to that perfect cinnamon bun recipe you got off the internet).

    The binder in a floral design

    3. A cushy floor mat to save your feet from standing on the cold, hard kitchen floors for hours during food prep.

    A model standing on the mat bare-footed

    4. An expandable spice rack so you can finally see and grab every bottle you have. No more emptying out the entire cabinet to find the pepper *or* buying another jar of pepper just to find out the first one was hidden in the back.

    The U-shaped rack placed inside a cabinet with spices neatly organized on top of it

    5. A 7-in-1 Instant Pot that'll basically cook dinner for you. Just dump in some ingredients, hit a button, and let it work its magic.

    6. A stainless steel chainmail scrubbing pad (with an easy-to-grip, ergonomic silicone core) for restoring your beloved cast-iron pan to a brand new state.

    7. A bottle of Bar Keepers Friend to tackle anything from rusty knives to grease-marked pans to stained porcelain sinks.

    8. All-natural bottle cleaning tablets that'll dissolve decade-old coffee stains in your (supposedly) stainless steel thermos. The best part? No scrubbing required!

    Reviewer before-and-after photos showing the rust-colored interior of a stainless steel bottle restored to a brand new state after soaking with the tablet

    9. A bottle of fume-free cleaner for giving your oven a thorough wipe down. Haven't cleaned your oven in over half a decade? After this, no one will be able to tell.

    10. A nifty little utensil to use as a slotted spoon, a turner, a solid spoon, a spatula, and a cutting tool.

    11. A powerful blender that can crush uncooked rice into a powder and whole almonds into a paste — all within a matter of minutes.

    12. A cold brew maker so you can make delicious iced joe at home instead of spending $$$ at a coffee shop. It has an airtight seal for keeping your drink fresh for days.

    13. Fridge bins that'll not only save you space but will also save you money on groceries because you can actually see all your food.

    Reviewer photo showing the inside of a fridge organized using the bins

    14. A magnetic knife strip for a convenient and attractive way to store your cutting tools.

    The wall-mounted stainless-steel strip holding up a set of knives and whisk

    15. A cleaning kit to transform your stained cooktop into a flawless mirror.

    Reviewer photo showing a cooktop before and after using the cleaning kit. The before photo shows heavy staining and the after photo shows a clean shiny cooktop

    16. A sous vide precision cooker so you can get perfectly done meats, veggies, and even cheesecake every 👏 single 👏 time 👏 .

    The sous vide cooker, featuring a digital display

    17. A futuristic motion-sensor trash can that'll open automatically when you approach, which will come in handy when your hands are full or covered in sauce.

    The stainless steel trash can

    18. A pack of cleaning tablets for removing the lime and mineral build-up (as well any food residue) in your dishwasher, leaving it clean and odor-free.

    19. A set of airtight storage containers to empty dried goods into — it'll completely transform the look of your pantry and keep your ingredients fresh.

    Review photo taken by BuzzFeed editor Rebecca O'Connell of the containers

    20. A digital food thermometer because you don't have super-powered eyes that can tell if the meat is under- or over-cooked. This one gives an instant temperature read!

    The red thermometer with its stainless steel reading needle inserted into a roasted turkey

    21. A roll-up dish-drying rack that can also be used as a prep board, a flat colander, and a large trivet.

    The rack unfurled over a sink, with several glasses drying on top of it

    22. A stoneware utensil and tablet holder to make following online recipes a whole lot easier.

    The utensil holder, featuring a convenient notch specially designed to fit a tablet

    23. A multipurpose stand that'll pull double duty as a plastic bag holder and bottle drying rack. It also folds flat for storage.

    24. A surprisingly versatile waffle maker for whipping up your fave brunch foods at home. Why go out when you can make it yourself?

    A person flipping a waffle made in the waffle iron

    25. A two-stage electric knife-sharpener to rejuvenate even the dullest of blades. And when you're done, it'll fit nicely in the drawers.

    Hands running a knife through the small sharpener

    26. A KitchenAid stand mixer with just about a million uses (especially when you add attachments) in the kitchen. It'll do all the hard work for you and last for decades.

    The stand mixer in the color Bordeaux

    27. A hanging garbage bag holder that won't crowd your counter space.

    The holder with a plastic bag attached, which is hung up on an under-sink cabinet door

    28. An automatic pan stirrer for those annoying recipes that call for continuous stirring. Now you can take a break and let this lil' gadget do all the work for you.

    The three-pronged stirrer in a pan

    29. A spill stopper to avoid worrying about that pot of pasta boiling over and wreaking havoc on your stovetop.

    The flower-shaped spill stopper in red

    30. A utensil and cutlery organizer tray, if your old system of tossing everything into a drawer just isn't cutting it anymore.

    The tray with slanted slots to separate the utensils

    31. A vacuum sealer perfect for sous vide cooking and keeping large amounts of food fresh for a long, long time. This is great if you like to buy in bulk!

    32. A high-quality knife block set, if you've been meaning to upgrade from the budget set you currently own.

    Reviewer photo of the knife set

    33. A clip-on strainer to keep your food from falling into the sink. Bonus: Your hands won't come close to hot liquids!

    The strainer attached to a pot, which allows the water to drain while keeping pasta in place

    34. A brush and squeegee combo for swiping spills on the countertop into the sink. You'll save a lot on paper towels.

    35. A set of stove counter gap covers to keep crumbs (and liquids) from falling into the unreachable abyss.

    36. A rotating utensil holder so you can quickly find and grab the tool you need.

    The utensil holder in stainless steel with a rubber bottom

    37. A pan and pot lid organizer that'll keep your cabinets neat and make everything easily accessible.

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