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Poll: Do You Actually Work For The First Order?

Does this sound like your job?

1. The dress standards are intense.

2. In the public eye, your company is viewed as being negative at best and downright terrifying at worst.

3. Workplace safety standards are really low. In fact you feel like the whole place could blow at any minute.

4. Getting any kind of tech support is hard if not impossible.

5. All your bosses are egomaniacs.

6. The meetings are pure torture.

7. You might as well be a clone, because no one cares about your individual identity.

8. The technology may be cutting edge but the human resource practices are medieval.

9. Your boss loves to steal your best ideas.

10. You are just a number in this system and you’re often reminded that you are expendable.

11. There is way too much paperwork.

12. Your company is not earth friendly, or ANY planet friendly for that matter.

13. The travel schedule is tough and when you fly, they send you coach!

14. The turnover rate is high so it’s hard to make friends.

15. People are always taking your stuff.

16. Diversity is NOT valued.

17. Because of this job your relationship with your family is suffering.

18. You’re pretty sure that upper management is some giant, dark lord of pure evil.