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I Ate Olympic Athletes' Breakfasts For A Week And Honestly It Wasn't Great

Not all stomachs are created equal.

Hi! I'm Will, and I pretty much eat the same thing for breakfast every day. On weekdays, I'll have some blueberry Greek yogurt with granola, and on weekends, scrambled eggs and toast.

After a lifetime of hearing that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, I decided to kickstart my week by eating a different Olympian's standard breakfast every day for a week to see if it made me feel like a gold medalist.

Monday: Gabby Douglas (Gymnastics)

Because I know nothing about food outside of my typical boring diet, this task required some research.

I remember eating YoCrunch as a kid, but I didn't remember the cups being so small...

How could an Olympian survive their morning workout on such a tiny morsel?

I'm not sure. But all told it wasn't a terrible breakfast, and my childhood interest in YoCrunch has been fully restored. So that's something.

The Verdict:

Taste: 9/10

Satisfaction: 4/10

Hunger after one hour: Pretty hungry

Hunger after two hours: Starving

Amount consumed: 300% (Because I ended up eating three of them. It was a long morning.)

Tuesday: Tom Daley (Diving)

Pretty simple, but not bad.

The Verdict:

Taste: 6/10

Satisfaction level: 6/10

Hunger after one hour: Fine...for now.

Hunger after two hours: Ready for a snack.

Amount consumed: 100%

Wednesday: Bryan Clay (Decathlon)

His daily regimen consists of the following: three strips of extra crispy bacon, one egg over hard, a bowl of oatmeal with brown sugar, and a small glass of orange juice.

The Verdict:

Taste: 8.5/10

Satisfaction level: 10/10

Hunger after one hour: Satisfied

Hunger after two hours: Satisfied

Amount consumed: 95% (I left some oatmeal in the bowl. It was a big bowl!)

Thursday: Usain Bolt (100-meter sprint)

This was simultaneously the most and least enjoyable breakfast experience of my life.

Just for fun, since I am a runner and jog a couple miles a few times a week, I decided to go for a light run later that day.

Emphasis on the light because oof. My stomach and legs were cramping before mile one was over. I could feel the oil and potato mash swirling dangerously in my stomach if I moved at a significant pace. As tempting (and surprisingly cheap!) as this breakfast may be, I would not recommend this one if you'd like to function for the whole day, both physically and mentally.

The Verdict:

Taste: 9/10 (Who doesn't love McNuggets?)

Satisfaction level: Barf/10

Hunger after one hour: Cannot look at food.

Hunger after two hours: That gross hungry/full feeling you get after eating fast food because your body craves real nutrients.

Amount consumed: 85% (20 Chicken McNuggets is too damn many.)

Friday: Michael Phelps (Swimming)

Instead of cooking it myself, I recreated his massive meal at Denny's.

My first bite was like:

The first sandwich and the French toast went down pretty smoothly. The second sandwich wasn't even too bad. But when I foolishly went for the chocolate chip pancakes before tackling the grits, it all went downhill real fast.

I didn't make it to the end. I just couldn't. My body, still recovering from yesterday's McDonald's nightmare, felt like a swirl of chocolate chips and greasy egg-soaked bread. My stomach was over me and my shit.

The Verdict:

Taste: 7/10 (Eggs and lettuce = no. Pancakes and French toast, both delicious, should not be mixed. And fuck grits.)

Fullness: 16/10

Hunger after one hour: Cannot imagine ever feeling hungry again.

Hunger after two hours: Do not even recall the concept of hunger.

Amount consumed: 68%

Amount regurgitated: Luckily 0%

Now, my advice: Eat an appropriate breakfast for your body and daily activity level. Do NOT eat Michael Phelps's breakfast unless you are burning like 5,000 calories a day.

Most importantly, eat what makes you feel good, and eat what you enjoy. Here's a GIF of me forcing down a spoonful of grits. THIS DOESN'T HAVE TO BE YOU.

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