This Artist Turned Hip Hop And R&B Albums Into Film Posters And It's Dope

    Sophia Tassew told BuzzFeed News she wanted to mesh her loves for film and music.

    This is 19-year-old Sophia Tassew. She's a junior art director from London. Tassew has turned hip hop and R&B albums into documentary-style film posters and it's seriously amazing.

    She told BuzzFeed News "people often visualise a music video in their head when they listen to music, but with me it's a film".

    She said she wanted to mesh her love for film and her love for her favourite genre of music by blending the two to create something "unique" and "organic".

    Tassew said she admires films such as Spirited Away, Paid In Full, Napoleon Dynamite, and Artificial Intelligence. “I love the cinematography and the feeling it leaves you with – that’s an amazing skill [the filmmakers] have.”

    She said she included Good Kid, M.A.A.D City by Kendrick Lamar because it "came to me pretty easily" and it's an "iconic rap album". She described the albums she chose as "works of art" and said "they have longevity and people will listen to them in a few years from now".

    Tassew said that as a black woman she related to Beyoncé's Lemonade a lot: "She sings about her relationship and the joys and the struggles of being a black woman."

    "When I’m working with something I can relate to, that's when I can put my all into it," she said.

    Tassew said she felt nervous before posting her work online but she was "super overwhelmed" with the response it received. Her tweet gained over 5,000 retweets and over 7,000 likes.

    "My phone was blowing up. It was absolutely amazing," she said.

    Tassew thinks her work may have been received well on Twitter because people haven't seen any art like this before.

    Tassew has also created film posters for grime albums. "When I'm at work I listen to grime music and it reminds me of the culture and where I am from," she said.

    "That's why I wanted to [turn] it into a sort of art form… When I listen to it makes me feel like I'm in a safe place," she said.

    Tassew said she got her break in the creative industry after she dropped out of university and came across the GirlHood scheme, which she encourages young women of colour in the UK to get involved in. She advises young creatives to "be expressive and follow your heart: It sounds cheesy but it's the only way."

    When asked about the future, she said: “My gender, age, and race are factors in the creative industry and it only makes makes want to work harder. People think it’s easy, but it’s the most competitive industry. The only way is up.”