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Horror Is Horror And Thrillers Are Thrillers, So Let's Decide Where All Of These Movies Belong Once And For All

I just feel like it's not a horror movie unless someone is undead.

Horror movies and thrillers are two completely different genres, and this Halloween season, it's important that we actually draw a clear line between them.

People try to come up with definitions and differences all the time, but I just go completely off of vibes. Parasite is a thriller. I'm thrilled by it. Friday the 13th is horror. It's horrifying. Psycho is both. Shrek is neither.

But I'm curious whether you agree. So do these movies fit into the horror genre, thriller genre, both, or neither?

And just to see if you agree with me:

Get your heart pumping with Fall, a new thriller that will take you to terrifying heights. Own it on Blu-ray and digital now!

Fall movie publicity still