Yep, "Umbrella Academy" Star Justin H. Min Is Proof The Perfect Man Does Exist

    Justin H. Min could bend me like a pretzel and I'd say thank you.

    ⚠️ Warning: Major spoilers for Season 2 of Umbrella Academy ahead! ⚠️

    If you watch Umbrella Academy, then you already know the show would be nothing without the ever-adorable, ever-charming actor that is Justin H. Min, who plays Ben Hargreeves, aka Number Six.

    This season, Justin got even more airtime as the deceased sibling whose superpower enables him to possess his brother's body, and I couldn't get enough of his handsome face on my screen.

    Ben Hargreeves with a bright shadow behind him resembling a halo affect

    The finale ended with a teaser revealing that Ben is now — somehow — alive and a member of a new and yet-to-be-explained academy known as the Sparrow Academy.

    Emo Ben wearing a suit and a haircut with bangs

    As we wait for Season 3 (fingers crossed the pandemic doesn't delay it), I've scoured Justin's Instagram for the hottest photos I could find, because I'm truly convinced he's proof the perfect man does exist. See 17 photos of Justin that made me very thirsty ahead.

    1. This photo that gives me "innocent in the streets and freak in the sheets" energy.

    2. This photo that made me wish I was a pen.

    3. This photo (and his smile) that made me quiver in my nether regions.

    4. This photo that is simply too adorable for words.

    5. This photo that is basically an invitation for naughty thoughts.

    6. This photo that made me jealous of his thick, luscious hair.

    7. This photo of his beautiful brown eyes.

    8. This photo that proves he looks better when wet.

    9. This photo that made me say "Cleanup on aisle me!"

    10. This photo that made me lose track of time.

    11. This photo that made me feel like he was staring directly into my soul.

    12. This photo that cured my pandemic-related blues.

    13. This photo that literally made me smile so hard my cheeks hurt.

    14. This kissy face photo with Robert Sheehan (who plays Klaus on the show) that should be hung in my bedroom...for multiple purposes.

    15. This photo that shows how smooth and flawless his skin is.

    16. This photo of his sunburnt cheeks.

    17. And lastly, I'll leave you with this photo...just because.

    Like I said, the most perfect man DOES exist.