Another Person Went Rogue In Tonight's Rose Ceremony On "Bachelor In Paradise"

    More like the Rogue Ceremony, amirite?

    Guess who's back? Back again? Bach is back! Tell a friend... to get me a wine, ASAP, please, I'm begging you.

    Last night, Megan landed herself in a confusing love triangle with Jake and Thomas. Now, she pulls Jake aside to talk to him about her date.

    As the sun rises on a new day, Megan finally tells Jake she inserted her tongue into Thomas' mouth.

    Megan pulls Thomas aside and tells him she's going to "Quit Playing Games" (with his heart).

    Leah is flapping around the island telling everyone she wants to leave.

    Ali is getting concerned that Grant is being a weirdo and not talking to her, but he eventually drags her down to the beach to drop the L-bomb.

    Rachael gets the date card and takes American Jared.

    Leah tells a producer she wants to go home.

    Rachael and Jared arrive on a small island and watch a ceremony with some Fijian men making Kava.

    Leah continues having a big old tanty about wanting to go home.

    Rachael and American Jared have a sit down and talk about the Leah situation.

    Leah is all of a sudden pretending to be devo about American Jared getting a date.

    Rachael and American Jared return, and Leah practices looking really sad.

    At the rose ceremony, Leah pulls American Jared aside for a chat.

    The next few scenes focus on American Jared learning that Leah has been planting a lot of little rumours.

    We've seen a few flashes of Thomas and Rachael talking during this cocktail party, and suddenly I know what's going to happen next.

    We finally get to the Rogue Ceremony.

    Rachael has no fkin idea what to do.

    Jared starts freaking the eff out having to pick between Leah, someone he's talked to but is bonkers, and Sasha, someone he's never talked to in his life.

    Sasha goes home without the chance to gently nibble on a rose.

    OK, well that's it from me! Rest up and have a margarita or seven.