23 Things That Happened On Every PGL Trip

    Fights about who you were sitting by on the coach, too much Haribo, and gross tents.

    1. You’d all bagsy who you were sitting next to on the coach months in advance.

    2. People would stay up all night participating in hilarious coach banter.

    3. And one of you would take a photograph of someone asleep on the coach, which would be absolutely hilarious.

    4. Someone would spend all their pocket money for the trip on Haribo and arcade games at the service station.

    5. If you went abroad, someone would get seasick on the ferry over.

    6. Your accommodation would consist of tents that definitely shouldn’t be suitable for humans.

    7. And there'd be drama about who your roommates were, especially if they were not your first choice roommates.

    8. Someone would get their period on the day you were meant to go canoeing, and everyone would gossip about it.

    9. Everyone would develop an intense crush on one of the 18-year-old camp leaders.

    10. You’d develop an extreme rivalry with another school at your camp for no particular reason.

    11. Someone from your year would cry when they went abseiling.

    12. You'd spend every evening playing card games.

    13. And then stay up late in your tents or dorms telling ghost stories and trying to creep each other out.

    14. There would be a weird fancy dress talent show and someone unexpected would be a secretly amazing singer.

    15. Every time you left your campsite in the morning, your camp leader would shout, “Oggy oggy oggy!”

    16. Whenever you walked anywhere as a group, you'd sing a repeat-after-me song.

    17. Nobody would eat any vegetables the entire week.

    18. If you went to a girls’ school, you’d spend the entire holiday trying to sneak off and talk to boys.

    19. There wouldn’t be enough waterproofs of the right size, so someone would have to wear a comically large one.

    20. You wouldn’t be allowed to go swimming unless you were wearing shorts, a t shirt, shoes, a buoyancy aid, and a crash helmet.

    21. You'd all find it hilarious to see your teachers in shorts.

    22. You’d have spare time to ~go to town~ and it'd make you feel immeasurably grown up.

    23. And when you got back to school you'd be really sad because it was one of the best weeks of your life.