29 Forgotten Trends All Late-'90s Girls Were Slightly Obsessed With

    Smash Hits posters for life.

    1. Crimping your hair within an inch of its life.

    Mariah, Geri, and Christina knew what looked good.

    2. Begging your mum for jelly shoes before you went on holiday.

    3. Coveting everything Cher and Dionne wore in Clueless.

    4. Covering your walls in Smash Hits posters of your favourite bands.

    5. Casting your friendship group as the Spice Girls.

    6. And being rightfully outraged when Geri launched her solo career.

    7. Knowing exactly how to win any argument.


    It was either that, or "Talk to the hand..."

    8. Religiously watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

    9. Using lots and lots of little clips to tie up your hair.

    Faye from Steps, Hannah from S Club 7, and Billie Piper nailed this look.

    10. Owning this exact pencil case:

    11. Getting hyper from eating too many Opal Fruits and BN BNs at birthday parties.

    You still remember the BN BN theme tune.

    12. Desperately wanting a twin because of these two BFFs:

    13. Owning as much Bang on the Door and Funky Friends stuff as you could possibly get your hands on.

    And doodling them in your homework diary.

    14. Vowing to grow your hair as long as Aldys's in Never Been Kissed.

    15. And vowing to dress as cool as Destiny's Child as soon as you were old enough.

    16. Wearing as much denim as you could get your hands on at all times.

    Keisha from the Sugababes, B*Witched, and Mel C were your style icons.

    17. Trying to be as much like Sabrina the Teenage Witch as you possibly could, without actually being a witch.

    18. Being outraged by this song's lyrics.

    19. Being unreasonably excited when your mum packed these in your break box.

    20. Scheduling all your appointments in your Fun Fax.

    21. Thinking that Christina Aguilera's hair on this album cover was the most beautiful thing on Earth.

    22. Eating Frubes and Petit Filous for pudding every night.

    Except on a special occasion, when you got to go to McDonald's and have an apple pie.

    23. Watching Top of the Pops every Friday so you could learn All Saints' dance routines.

    24. And being allowed to stay up to watch Friends if you'd been really good.

    25. Being totally obsessed with pink fluff because of Britney and Cher.

    You'd still dress like this if you could get away with it.

    26. Wanting to be as cool as these women when you grew up.

    Zoe Ball, Davina McCall, and Denise van Outen were your idols.

    27. Learning about periods from this book, and being really scared of the weird belt thing:

    28. And learning everything there was to know about female friendship from this series:

    You probably formed your own sleepover club with your BFFs.

    29. And finally: being truly, truly invested in Dawson and Joey's relationship.