11 Things You Need To Know About Tattooing, According To A Celebrity Tattoo Artist

    "You have to put your heart into your work or else it's just a tattoo."

    If you're on Instagram, chances are you've seen these circular, hyperrealistic tattoos on your feed.

    99% of the time, they're the work of Eva Karabudak, a tattoo artist at BANG BANG studios in New York City.

    As a huge fan and fellow New Yorker, I decided to reach out to Eva and ask her about her experiences tattooing and what advice she'd offer to others who want to try it out themselves! Here's what I learned:

    1. It's not just about technique, but also watching others and listening to their advice.

    2. It requires A LOT (like, a LOT) of work.

    3. You need to find the right colors for your client's skin tone.

    4. While promoting your art on social media is important, remember that your art itself is INFINITELY more important.

    5. Studying fine art and technique definitely helps.

    6. Don't do any tattoos you don't want to do.

    7. Learn to work with your machine.

    8. Always keep practicing.

    9. Find new ways to modify your art and challenge yourself.

    10. Find a way to combine your artistic integrity with your client's wishes.

    11. It's about heart and trust.

    To see more of Eva's work, be sure to follow her on Instagram!