Here's What Gen Zers Are Wondering About Facebook

    "Is Mark Zuckerberg my FBI Agent?"

    Since our nation's leaders seem to have LITERALLY NO IDEA HOW FACEBOOK WORKS, I figured that for this post, I would hone in on another powerful demographic that's also a li'l weary about The Zuck™'s network and all of its ~data drama~: The Gen Zers.

    If you don't already know, Gen Zers are people who were born after 1995, such as ~yours truly~. Gen Zers are not Millennials, and we're not interested in LOST, pre-Hannah Montana Disney Channel, and a lot of us aren't that into creating Facebook accounts either.

    So with all that being said, here are some questions that I (and a lot of other people in their teens and early twenties) have about Facebook:

    1. Isn’t Facebook pretty much just used for the show Catfish?

    2. Do people actually take time to decide which reaction emoji to use on someone's post?


    4. Do colleges ACTUALLY stalk all their applicants on Facebook?

    5. If someone tags you in a heinous picture, do you have every right to cut them out of your life forever?

    6. WTF is "poking"?

    7. Do you actually read the LOOOOOOOOOOONG ass personal posts people write?!?!?!

    8. Do people seriously join Facebook groups un-ironically?!

    9. If you link Spotify to Facebook, can everyone see that I’m listening to “Perfect” by Ed Sheeran for the fifteenth time today?

    10. Is Mark Zuckerberg my FBI Agent?

    *record scratch* *freeze frame* Yup, that's me. You're probably wondering how I ended up in this situation

    11. Why do people invite others to events they straight up KNOW no one wants to go to? HO- -NE- -ST- -LY.

    12. Why would anyone create a “photo album” on Facebook now that there's Instagram?!?!?!

    13. Is it true you used to have to lie that you were over 18 to make an account?

    14. Do people stay Facebook friends with their exes?

    15. When people announce the passing of a loved one on Facebook, are you supposed to react with the crying emoji or the heart emoji?

    16. Wait. Don't a lot of, like, dead people have Facebook accounts?

    17. What’s a “good” number of Facebook friends to have?

    18. Is it called a profile? A page? A timeline?

    19. Is it petty to react to everything your problematic uncle posts with the angry emoji?

    at family dinners when someone starts talking about politics


    20. Do people really use those seasonal profile pic frames?

    21. What’s up with people using fake names on Facebook while they're applying to colleges?

    22. What's a quality fake Facebook name, hypothetically speaking?

    23. If someone shares a Tomi Lahren video, can I report them?

    24. Is it social suicide to be Facebook friends with your parents?

    25. Isn’t Facebook basically just ads, pics of people’s fresh babies, and political rambling?

    26. Is Facebook anything more than just a news source for parents?

    Gen Zers: What other questions do you have? And does anyone have ANSWERS?!?!?! If so, leave 'em in the comments!!!