19 Quarantine Love Stories That Just Might Restore Your Faith In Love

    They really did find love in a (seemingly) hopeless place.

    Recently, we asked the BuzzFeed Community to share their quarantine love stories with us. Here are some of our favorites:

    1. These Two Who Are Supposed-To-Be Together

    "I tested positive for COVID at the beginning of May, just a few days before my supposed-to-be date with this guy. I had to quarantine for two weeks in my house, and when I told him I couldn’t see him, I thought he'd think I was blowing him off. But he didn’t! We ended up FaceTiming all night long. He also brought pancakes to my doorstep one of the days! We ended up making new plans to meet — he suggested we could have a socially distanced picnic in my yard, and I hesitantly agreed. The day of our picnic, I got a call from the State Department of Health and after a few answered questions, I was cleared to be OUT IN PUBLIC AGAIN!!! My first text was to my man and we got to have our picnic in much closer proximity to one another. When I marry him, this is a story we will one day tell our grandkids."


    2. This Quarantine Coming Out Story

    "During quarantine, my roommate had some time for self-reflection and came out as bisexual. I had come out as a lesbian a few months prior. One night, we drunkenly made out. Things progressed to more of a friends-with-benefits situation, but after a few weeks, we both confessed our feelings for each other. We've been dating ever since!"


    3. This Relationship That Knows No (Mile) Limits

    4. This Facebook Messenger Match

    "My boyfriend and I met in a unique way during quarantine. It was October when my friend who owns a bar texted me to come see a band that they had playing because there was this cute guy there who she thought would be perfect for me. Well, I didn't go. Fast forward to March, and I get another text from her with a screenshot of a Facebook post — it was the guy with a member of the band from that night. She told me I should message him on Facebook. Again, I didn't. It seemed just too crazy! Then a few days later, I got a group message on Facebook from my friend, but it also included the guy! She said, 'There is no way not to make this weird, but we met back in October and I wanted to introduce you to my friend but never got the chance. Since we're all stuck at home, I think it would be a great time for you two to chat!' At first, I was super embarrassed and slightly annoyed, but the guy and I have talked nonstop since then, and have been officially dating for over a month now. :)"



    6. These Robotics Teammates

    "I'm a high school senior, and so when they cancelled school, I was especially sad because I knew I probably wouldn't get to spend any more time with one of my robotics teammates — a guy I really liked. A few days into quarantine, though, we were emailing about something and somehow got sidetracked, and a pact was made: In our email thread, we had to respond to one another until our school-owned email accounts got suspended in the middle of the summer. It's been three months now and we've exchanged about 10,500 emails since. It's become sort of a nightly thing for us to hang out together over email and talk. Without quarantine, I might not have gotten the opportunity to get to know him as well as I have, and even if nothing's been or will be romantic between us, I've got a wonderful friend who I wouldn't have otherwise been so close to. He's made this whole disaster a lot more bearable."


    7. These No-Longer-Exes

    8. These Two Who Fell In Love Abroad

    "In January, I studied abroad in Italy with my best friend. We were supposed to be in school for two months and then travel around Europe together until mid-May. We both caught feelings around the end of February while we were still in school. Cue Corona, and we're in Italy of all places, so our classes immediately got cancelled. We were an ocean away from home, and terrified, but school being out and Italy being on full lockdown did give us a lot of time to ourselves in our hotel! We ended up coming home two months early and isolating together. She returned home after self-isolation was over, and then we spent a full two months not touching because of the distancing rules. So we survived on 'distancing dates' in my garage, and lots of texting. Talk about finding love in a hopeless place!"


    9. This Couple's Simple But Perfect Proposal

    10. This Match Made In A Galaxy Far, Far Away

    "I left an abusive ex-girlfriend of mine at the beginning of quarantine, and it was tough. A few months into it, I matched with a guy on Tinder who seemed super nice. We started with FaceTime-ing and playing games on our Switches via online gaming. Then, after a week or two, we decided that we were both homebodies enough that we could hang out. We discovered our mutual love for the Star Wars prequels and watched the "Duel of the Fates" scene like it was the Super Bowl!"


    11. These Expedaters

    12. These Dedicated Fiancés

    "My fiancé got COVID in March. Between nursing him back to health and basically not seeing anyone else for three months, we definitely know we can weather any storm together. This experience has made me want to marry him even more."


    13. These Reconnected High School Sweethearts

    14. This Hotel Happenstance

    "I'm a hotel night auditor and we are constantly at least half-full of railroad workers. One railroad worker was here for two weeks for work, and he was the first person I've met in this little town who knew what one of my tattoos was. We started talking and haven't stopped. Not love yet, but we just officially became a couple."


    15. This Couple That Was A Long Time Coming

    "My current boyfriend and I have been dating for three months now. We matched on Tinder two years ago, when he lived in the same city as me, but we had never met in person. But when I was laid off in March, he messaged me on Instagram and I asked him if he wanted to FaceTime. We proceeded to FaceTime three times a week or more. It’s kind of crazy to say 'I love you' to someone you’ve never physically touched, but we did. We decided together that I was going to visit him, and I'm now currently in his New York City apartment. It feels like a daydream!"


    16. This Masked Marriage

    17. These Puppy Parents

    "I had been friends with a coworker for a few months. We were spending time together on the weekends because we both had puppies and they got along great. I wanted to get out of the friend zone and I did get some signals from him, but I wasn’t 100% sure. I finally got up the nerve to ask him out two weeks before lockdown. We did manage to get in two actual dates before everything closed, and they were great. Three months later and we are still going strong! I think the fact we can’t go anywhere has given us even more opportunity to just talk and get to know each other."


    18. And lastly, This Unconditional Love:

    "I started fostering cats in quarantine so that I'd have a routine and a living thing to talk to when I was lonely (which was all the time.) I ended up fostering a very shy and fearful cat who had past trauma. She'd immediately start meowing whenever I left, and only felt safe around me. I fell in love with her and ended up adopting her. Now I'm working on getting her used to other humans in the house, and all I can say is she is the one for me."


    Be sure to follow the BuzzFeed Community on Facebook and Twitter for your chance to be featured!!!

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