20 Pictures That'll Make You Reeeeeeally Fucking Glad You're Not Mark Zuckerberg Right Now

    Life Zucks currently.

    1. Having to stand in a cramped-ass elevator? With a bunch of middle-aged men sweating through their suits?! Yeah, I'm preeeeetty glad I'm not Mark Zuckerberg right now.

    2. I'd probably look like this too if I had to testify in front of Congress...

    3. ...in this ~quite~ ominous setting.

    4. *gulps*

    5. Never mind the CAMERAS?!?!?!

    6. I mean, can someone at least get the guy some POWDER for that shine?!?!?!

    7. Like binch, the fuck?

    8. Sure, I don't have a net worth of $64.1 billion, but at least I don't have this v literal CLOSE 👏 UP 👏 of me available on Getty Images!!!!!!!!!!

    9. Or this angle!!!!!!

    10. A Dutch angle? Really?

    11. "OMG, DELETE THAT!!!" — Mark Zuckerberg, probably

    12. This literally makes me have to nervous poop a little.

    13. This is giving me flashbacks to when my parents confronted me about spreading a rumor that my sister consistently made out with her Cabbage Patch doll after she stole my Abercrombie shirt in sixth grade.

    14. Like, I need to text my therapist after looking at this.

    15. *Googles breathing exercises*

    16. I'm... I'm gonna throw up.

    17. If I was The Zuck™, I would not be pleased by this.

    18. Like, absolutely not.

    19. KILL IT WITH FIRE!!!!!!!!!

    20. Come to think of it, I kinda don't wanna be a powerful, Ivy League-educated billionaire with under-eye bags anymore. Bye!