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    15 Really, Really, Reeeeeally Good Things That Happened This Week

    Be like the 102-year-old great-aunt and GO VOTE!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. This week, this fabulous 102-year-old great-aunt made a point to GO 👏 OUT 👏 AND 👏 VOTE!!!!!!!!!!!! 👏

    At 102 years old, my great aunt, born the year of our last great #pandemic, made her way to the ballot box to cast her #vote. If she can do it, you can too! #Vote #VoteEarly #Election2020

    2. Whoever lives in this house absolutely ***CRUSHED*** Halloween with their topical decorations:

    Someone did a 2020 Halloween theme 😩😂 🗣CORONAVIRUS 🦠

    3. This cheeky lil' stimker enjoyed his new chair (while a jealous cat looked on ominously!!!!):

    4. HARRY STYLES FED A FAN'S FISH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    harry’s car broke down so a fans dad let him in his house and while they waited harry fed their fish and left notes for the fan and for that reason your honor, he is the only man to ever exist

    5. This mom had ENOUGH with the foul language!!!!!!!!!!

    Accidentally typed "lmao" in my family group chat....this is what my mom sent me I'm 24. 😂

    6. This cat made this house their *~home~* 😌:

    My roommate moved out and my cat called dibs.

    7. In true Paul Rudd fashion, Paul Rudd handed out cookies to people waiting in the rain to vote!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Brooklyn: Paul Rudd is handing out cookies to people standing in line — in the rain — waiting to vote. I adore Paul Rudd...

    8. These birds indulged in their new HOT TUB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    My dad installed a hot tub for his birds and when he turned it on, word spread pretty quickly that this is the new bestest favoritest hangout spot of all. 😂🥰

    9. These students got creative with their suggestions for their teacher's Halloween costume!!!!!!!


    Asked my students to illustrate what I should be for Halloween this year.... I was not disappointed. #teachtok #teachersof2020 #teachersoftiktok

    ♬ original sound - brynn owen


    We only rate dogs. Just because Halloween is coming pup doesn’t mean we’ll rate your baby stingray. Please send dogs... 12/10 might still pet

    11. These two Ratatouille lookalikes furthered my obsession with Lookalike TikTok™:

    12. These cats enjoyed their new accommodation:

    13. @doggface208 — aka the guy who rode a skateboard to Fleetwood Mac's "Dreams" while drinking cranberry juice — GOT 👏 THAT 👏 CHECK!!!!!!!!!!!!! 👏

    14. This itty-bitty baby said, "This bed is juuuuuust right!": 😭💖

    15. And lastly, this couple made all of our unfulfilled childhood dreams come true!!!!!!!!!!!!!!