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I Need To Know I'm Not The Only One Who Thinks About This: What Color Do You Like Your Coffee To Be?

I'm sorry, but coffee that's too dark tastes like pretzels.

So, like the majority of people living and working in a metropolitan area — and probably like you, too, considering you clicked on this post — I'm a huge coffee drinker.

Unsurprisingly, I'm very particular about how I take mine. But I'm not talking about, like, the "splash of oat milk, one Stevia" kind of particular.

Like, I have a very specific COLOR I need mine to be in order for me to deem it consumable.

So now I'm curious: One of these shades is the only acceptable answer for me, but because I'm all about a good cultural census, let's do this as a poll.

For those of your wondering, I am — at my core — a staunch supporter of a 6–7 cup.

So, where do you stand on coffee colors? Please continue this incredibly divisive discourse in the comments!!!