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Proof That National Treasure Shia LaBeouf Transcended In 2015

And we haven't even reached peak Shia.

It's hard to find the right words to describe Shia Labeouf -- artist, actor, national treasure, gift from the gawds -- and it's even harder to pinpoint the exact moment we all realized that Shia had surpassed our expectations.

Was it the moment he started rocking this rattail? Or the day he chopped it off?

It could have been the day he taught us how to properly wear sweats.

Did it happen when he allowed us to watch him watch himself?

Or the day he allowed his inner lumberjack to flourish by carrying some logs?

Maybe things changed when he shared the rhythmic sound of his heartbeat with the world.

Or showed us that, in reality, we actually have three hands.

Was it that time he motivated us to live our best lives and JUST DO IT?


Seriously, get out there!

Did it all begin with Sia's "Elastic Heart" video?

Or maybe it occurred when we touched his soul.

Honestly, I don't know when shia labeouf became SHIA LABEOUF, but I do know that if 2015 is any indication, then 2016 is going to be one hell of year for our boy.