I Am Way Too Invested In Taylor Swift's Friendship With Jonathan Van Ness

    Can you believe?

    If you saw Taylor Swift's "You Need To Calm Down" video this summer, then you surely remember that the Fab Five from Queer Eye had a very important cameo, as they sipped tea alongside Taylor and Todrick Hall.

    Well, APPARENTLY, Taylor Swift and Jonathan Van Ness — AKA Queer Eye's resident grooming expert — still keep in touch.

    In fact, as JVN just revealed on his Instagram, THEY HANG OUT.

    Taylor plays with his cats, because of course she does.

    And the cats call her "Aunt Taylor," because of course they do.

    An hour ago, I did not know that this friendship existed. But now, it's the only thing keeping me going.

    Taylor even jumped into the comments of JVN's post to give his cat, Genivieve, her own proper Games of Thrones title.

    Which JVN was VERY excited about:

    And Jonathan's other famous pal, Olympic skater Michelle Kwan, showed up in the comments to stake her claim as his BFF.

    Honestly, to have Taylor Swift and Michelle Kwan fighting over you...what a life, JVN.

    Anyway. GIVE ME 1000% MORE OF THIS FRIENDSHIP PLEASE. Thank you and goodbye.