Sophie Turner Was Not Too Pleased About Joe Jonas's "Best Day Ever"

    Can somebody please check on Joe?

    My friends, Joe Jonas may be in a litttttle bit of trouble with Sophie Turner right now.

    The Jonas Brothers just paid a visit to a Coors Light factory, and Joe was VERY excited about it.

    Now, Coors just so happens to be Joe's favorite drink — he served it in custom bottles at his wedding, and he's even launching a special line of the beer along with his brothers.

    Naturally, Joe was VERY excited to visit the factory. So he uploaded a picture of his visit to Instagram:

    But it's his caption that really caught Sophie's attention:

    Sophie quickly jumped into the comments to remind her husband about a certain special day they shared together this summer — y'know, the one where they got married.


    People found her comment pretty damn funny:

    Some are slightly worried for Joe:

    A few women in the comments related hard:

    But mostly, people just thought the whole thing was kinda adorable:

    Better luck next time, Joe.