22 Pictures That Will Remind You Just How Amazing People Can Be Sometimes

    People can actually be great sometimes.

    1. This woman at Target jumped in to help a stressed-out mom finish her shopping.

    2. This kind stranger found car keys in the grass, and went above and beyond to make sure they were returned to their owner.

    3. These two football rivals found common ground with something pretty incredible.

    4. This man on an airplane helped a little boy with autism get through a long flight, and then texted his mother to let her know he was okay.

    5. This cashier got a very sweet birthday surprise from a total stranger she rang up.

    6. These guys opened up a lemonade stand with an adorable twist.

    7. This person mentioned to their barista that they were having a rough day, and when their coffee was ready, they received this:

    8. This guy got a little ego boost from a stranger at the gym.

    9. This anonymous person went out of their way to make a little kid smile.

    10. This little girl baked a surprise for her favorite trash collector — and it ended up meaning a whole lot more to him than she realized.

    11. This man received a heart from a young woman who tragically passed away — and was able to let the woman's mother hear her heartbeat one more time.

    12. These muscly college guys volunteered their time to help anyone who feels unsafe on campus get to class.

    13. This Hong Kong protestor held up an umbrella to protect a journalist reporting the story.

    14. This Belgian family made friends while traveling in the US, and then did something really special for them when they returned home.

    15. This man in Nordstrom brightened an old woman's day with a sweet comment.

    16. This OB-GYN was about to give birth, but stopped everything to deliver another woman's baby first in a moment of crisis.

    17. This man used an app to help a blind woman pick out her groceries.

    18. This grieving dog owner made sure that lots of other pups had an amazing day at the park.

    19. This person noticed some homophobic vandalism on a bathroom stall and intervened to make things right.

    20. This person was the victim of a hit-and-run, but found a note on their dashboard from a stranger who had written down the offending car's license plate and provided a link to photographic proof.

    21. This man received a small act of kindness from the gas station he frequents every day after work.

    22. And finally, this teacher got a very generous surprise from a total stranger while shopping for school supplies.

    Remember, folks: Humans can be pretty darn good to each other sometimes!