Jimmy Kimmel Got People To Talk Shit About 50 Cent While He Was Standing Right Behind Them And Things Got Awkward Fast

    NOTE TO SELF: Never trust Jimmy Kimmel.

    Things got ~pretty awkward~ on last night's Jimmy Kimmel Live, when Jimmy asked people to share their harshest opinions about 50 Cent — not realizing the rapper was standing right behind them:

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    There was this very opinionated man, who had a quick response when told 50 Cent was the greatest rapper in the world.

    This dude also couldn't be convinced.

    This poor, unsuspecting soul took things even further.

    And then there was this guy, who actually might've gotten under 50's skin a little bit.

    So while these folks were talking their shit, 50 Cent would sneak up behind them and listen.

    The results are certainly awkward.

    But also pretty great.

    Here's the video again, so you can watch it all go down.

    View this video on YouTube


    You gotta love 50 Cent.