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23 Halloween Costumes That'd Be So Freaking Confusing If The Year Was 1998

Things were so much simpler in the '90s.

Throughout the years, we've asked the BuzzFeed Community to show us their best Halloween costumes. Here are the ones that would make absolutely zero sense if we took a time machine back to 1998.

1. A Hawaiian banana:

2. A concerned bunkmate at summer camp:

3. A hippie who really likes doing laundry:

4. A gay-friendly Grim Reaper:

5. The Tin Man and an octopus:

6. Tonya Harding grabbing a trophy:

7. A celebration gone wrong:

8. A bloody volleyball and random package:

9. A woman in a garden:

10. A woman who fell asleep in the Cheetos factory:

11. Someone from Animorphs, probably:

12. A random guy coming back from the spa:

13. Two friendly coworkers:

14. Hugh Hefner and a Playboy Bunny:

15. A... styrofoam man?

16. A hot air balloon:

17. Very, very, very bad decisions:

18. The Mouse Trap board game:

19. A Disney princess morphing into her prince:

20. Someone who doesn't want a stake in your business proposition:

21. Cellophane woman and a grocery store butcher:

22. Beetlejuice and an angsty toddler:

23. And a biker who's on fire and needs to cool down by the fridge:

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