26 "Bridesmaids" Moments Guaranteed To Make You Laugh Every Time

    "Carol! Get your shit together, Carol."

    We asked the BuzzFeed Community to tell us their favorite moments from Bridesmaids. Here are the hilarious results.

    1. When everyone got food poisoning in the bridal shop, and Megan yelled at Rita to look away.

    2. When Annie reluctantly tasted Helen's delicious pink lemonade.

    3. When Annie did literally everything in an attempt to get Nathan's attention.

    4. When Annie was super sad after her meltdown, and Megan drove by with the nine puppies she took.

    5. And when Megan realized she probably took too many dogs from the party.

    6. When Annie had enough of Stove's shit.

    7. When there was 100% a colonial woman on the wing of the plane.

    8. When Becca and Rita got super drunk and personal on the plane.

    9. When Annie wasn't strong enough to tip over the chocolate fountain, so she just put grass in it and splashed the chocolate around.

    10. When Annie was ready to partyyy ♫ with the best of them down by the riverrrrr. ♫

    11. When Megan tested out the couch in the bridal shop by picking it up and jumping face-first onto it.

    12. When Annie tried eating an almond to prove she didn't get food poisoning.


    13. When Brynn read Annie's diary.

    14. When Carol severely messed up Annie's tennis game.

    15. When Megan put her leg up and hit on Air Marshall Jon.

    16. When you and Annie were the same person.

    17. When Megan revealed the secret to her perfect body.

    18. When Rita got super personal in front of her kids.

    19. When Annie tried sneaking into first class and pretended to be Mrs. Iglesias.

    20. When Megan said she fell off a cruise ship and a dolphin saved her life.

    21. When Lillian pooped in the middle of the street and couldn't do anything except direct the traffic around her.

    22. When Annie destroyed the giant cookie.

    23. When Helen said she knew the owner of a restaurant.

    24. When Annie and Lillian talked about penises and did impressions of them.

    25. When Helen and Annie tried to outdo each other's speeches.

    26. And, of course, when Megan had to shit in the sink.

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