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Former Trump Supporters, Tell Us What Your Breaking Point Was

"When he gassed a bunch of innocent protesters with tear gas to get a picture of him holding a bible."

A few months ago, there was a viral Reddit thread that asked one very specific question: "Republicans who will not be voting for Donald Trump this time around, what was the breaking point for you?"

Trump speaking at a podium in front of a crowd, lying

Now, we want to ask you that same question. If you're a former Trump supporter who voted for him in 2016 but you don't plan on voting for him in the upcoming 2020 election, we'd love to know what changed your mind.

Perhaps the final straw for you was when you found out that your tax dollars pay for the high-end rooms of Trump's Secret Service escorts at his own properties.

NEW: @realdonaldtrump’s company charges Trump’s own Secret Service agents while they protect him — at rates as high as $650/night for a room and $17,000/month for a cottage. Taxpayers pay. https://t.co/JIOHe66Hjx

Twitter: @Fahrenthold

That was the reason for Reddit user throwaway-person.

Or maybe you had enough after learning about the old recordings of Trump from January when he talked to Bob Woodward about how deadly COVID-19 was, even though he severely downplayed (and continues to downplay) the virus to the American people.

Trump lying to reporters at the White House about the coronavirus

Now it's time to hear from you. If you're a former Trump supporter, use the comments below to tell us the exact moment you realized you could no longer support him for president.

Trump at a press briefing saying that he won't commit to a peaceful transfer of power

And if you haven't registered to vote yet, want to check your voter status, or want to request a mail-in ballot, you can do so here.