28 Unbelievably Cringeworthy Teenage Fashion Fails

    Skirts over jeans. No. Never again.

    We asked the BuzzFeed Community to tell us about their most embarrassing teenage fashion choices, and here are some of the funniest answers:

    1) Everything about this outfit and pose. All of it.

    2) Wearing a poncho as a skirt.

    Submitted by amandaf38.

    3) Wearing more than one polo at the same time.

    4) I used to wear various bandanas and my own mothers purple Doc Marten boots.

    Submitted by @petefrasermusic.

    5) A bra so padded it made an audible "shhh" noise from being pushed down when people hugged me.

    Submitted by Loryn Brantz, BuzzFeed.

    6) These jeans.

    7) A jean mini skirt that said "Angel" across the butt. Whyyyy?!

    Submitted by @LHoople.

    8) I had a black mesh top with *literally* floor length sleeves fashioned into cobwebs. It had 'vampyre' written in red across the chest. I LOVED it.

    Submitted by Charlotte Maria Wagstaff, Facebook.

    9) Dresses on top of jeans was my go to outfit. Also "The OC" style i.e. those little cheerleader skirts, strappy weird printed shirts, and long beaded necklaces.

    Submitted by lizzie_90.

    10) I wore these when I was 12. WHY OH WHY!?

    11) I owned more arm warmers than I am proud of.

    Submitted by Erika Martin, Facebook.

    12) I wore like four or five leather and rope bracelet things on one arm because I thought it looked cool. It did not.

    Submitted by Josh Elton, Facebook.

    13) Skirts with knee socks. Thanks for that one, Cher and Dionne.

    14) Matching maroon velvet pants with a velvet shirt in a slightly different shade of maroon. That was my go to outfit.

    Submitted by melindac4cdd9628f.

    15) Trucker hats. Deeply ashamed on so many levels.

    Submitted by Cortney Sebesta, Facebook.

    16) A white tank top with a hood, which will always be immortalized in my freshmen yearbook.

    Submitted by luxylady.

    17) I had a shirt that said "That's Hot" and wore it all the time in middle school.

    18) I regret my emo phase, especially those freaking band bracelets that almost cut off my circulation because I wore a thousand at a time!

    Submitted by claireh408c74546.

    19) Wearing foundation three shades darker than my skin tone because I thought it made me look "tan".

    Submitted by emmys2002.

    20) Those awful tattoo choker necklaces and I had a bracelet and a ring too. But now people are wearing them again, whyyyyy?

    Submitted by belgium89.

    21) I wore toothbrushes in my hair instead of chopsticks. People remembered it at my 10 year school reunion.

    Submitted by AndyEHS.

    22) I'd have to say my red plaid Tripp parachute pants that had bondage straps, chains, and zippers all over them. I mostly wore them with all my Good Charlotte tees.

    Submitted by amandaf475f30042.

    23) Gaucho pants. Never again.

    24) Full body velvet Juicy Couture sweatsuits.

    Submitted by kayleighb4735ee3c4.

    25) I remember my mom saying "why do all your shirts have to have writing on them?" (i.e ones that said cutie! or angel) I remember legitimately thinking "do they even make clothes without words on them? Why would you want a shirt that doesn't say anything?"

    *Face palm*

    Submitted by jennd492743a96.

    26) These were in when I was in high school, guilty of wearing them. Damn shame.

    27) My crocs. Those were a horrible life decision.

    Submitted by ofmiceandfranki.


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