21 Borderline Evil Ways To Prank The People You Live With

    There's no prank like a flatmate prank.

    1. Turning their room into a beautiful work of art.

    2. Offering them a nice drink.

    3. Providing helpful bedtime reading material.

    4. Making a lovely collage for them.

    Top Uni prank ever!!!!!! Everything was covered, he went psycho!!

    5. Filling their room with fun balloons.

    6. Decorating their bedroom when they have a date coming over.

    7. Sending your university flatmate "official" looking letters.

    8. Swapping their kitchen and bedroom cupboards around.

    9. Putting a lovely friend in your shower.

    10. Providing them with company.

    11. Keeping their prized kitchen equipment nice and cool.

    12. Creating a delightful infused drink for them.

    13. Putting glasses of ice upside down on their flatmates desk and waiting for them to melt.

    14. Turning everything in their bedroom upside down, so they can experience what it's like to live in Australia.

    15. Giving them a wonderful welcome when they get home.

    16. Improving all their posters with Nicholas Cage's face.

    17. Or replacing their family photos with Donald Trump and Shia LaBeouf.

    18. Clingfilming their life.

    19. Getting them a lovely gift.

    20. Swapping their bedroom with the kitchen.

    21. And, if you're really brave, allowing them to get some fresh air.