This Is Now The Most Retweeted Tweet From India

    It was posted by the country's next prime minister, Narendra Modi, after the election results were announced.

    This tweet by India's next prime minister Narendra Modi is now the most retweeted tweet ever from India. He posted it after the results showed that the BJP party had won a landslide victory in an historical election.

    India has won! भारत की विजय। अच्छे दिन आने वाले हैं।

    Modi has used Twitter frequently during the elections and posted a selfie at the end of April showing off his ink-stained finger to signify the fact he had voted. This sparked a number of others to upload their own selfies.

    Selfie is in! Share yours using #SelfieWithModi & see what happens

    There were actually 56 million election-related tweets since January. Just take a look at this mesmerising heatmap of Indian politicians and parties being mentioned on Twitter in the run-up to the election results: