• Bake Off 2016 badge

18 Photos That Prove You Should Never, Ever Get On Mary Berry’s Bad Side


1. "I'm using a quinoa flour..."

2. "My flowerpots and biscuits are only half iced."

3. When Mary really liked the look of Toby's cake.

4. "It's a softer biscuit. It's not too crunchy."

5. When Mary was a big fan of Emma's brownies.

6. "I'm making a lavender and bergamot biscuit."

7. When Jennifer Saunders was brutally honest.

8. When Martha was concerned that her beef in her pastry was going to be "well done" instead of "rare."

9. "I think I have time. I can pipe quite quickly."

10. "I'm making an almond and raspberry croissant."

11. When Howard told Mary he was baking with hemp.

12. When Luis was defending his baklava design.

13. "I am using a bath bun principle..."

14. When Mary tried a *slightly hard* biscotti.

15. When Ian presented his bake (aka. a bin).

16. When Mary asked: "Did you make the fondant?"

17. And when Nadiya made her own fondant.

18. But of course this is nothing compared to when Paul decided to dunk his jaffa cake in some tea.