17 Things Unmarried Arab Girls Are Tired Of Hearing

    "3O2BALEK, 3O2BALEK, 302BALEK."

    1. "So, when are you going to get married?"

    2. "Have you tried ArabLounge.com?"

    3. "Don't you want to have kids?"

    4. "When you get married you'll realize your career isn't the most important thing."

    5. “But you’re pretty!”

    6. “Are there no nice Arab men where you work?”

    7. “You need to learn how to cook and clean — otherwise, your husband will leave you.”

    8. “Stop being so picky.”

    9. “We’re praying for you.”

    10. "If you’re too committed to your work or studies, it will be intimidating for a man."

    11. "Are you sure you're not a lesbian?"

    12. "You'll never find a man that way."

    13. "But he's a doctor!"

    14. "What's wrong with you?"

    15. "You're getting old."

    16. "Don't you want to have a wedding?"

    17. “I just want to see you get married before I die.”