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    28 Cheap Things To Treat Yourself To Right Now

    Do you hear that? It's your wallet saying, "I'm feeling neglected."

    1. Beautify your lips with unicorn snot masquerading as "lip gloss," since it'd be weird just to smear boogers all over our lips, right?

    2. Slip your footsies into a pair of darling ballerina flats that don't require those complicated manual tie situations.

    3. Sport some baby elephants with their trunks waved up high because they're so happy to have found their forever homes.

    4. Make your eyes ✨pop✨ with colorful pencil liners that basically invented the phrase "bang for your buck."

    5. Or if you prefer liquid, opt for a stay-all-day eyeliner from one of the top cosmetics brands in India that even clumsy hands can't mess up.

    6. Snuggle into your bed or couch, apply a panda sheet mask, and chill TF out.

    7. Nab a curated nude lip sampler set for gorgeous MLBB every day.

    8. Give your winter blues a proper cold shoulder with a bouncy floral midi dress you'll be twirling and Boomerang-ing in all day.

    9. Or shimmy into a collared cutout T-shirt dress for an on-trend but low-key everyday look.

    10. Dive into the poetic musings of Rupi Kaur in Milk and Honey, where she explores hurting, loving, breaking, and healing in enthrallingly emotional depth.

    11. Restore old, goopy nail polish you can't bear to throw away (the woe of discontinued shades!) with thinning solvent.

    12. Slip on a precious panda ring you will take great pains to avoid losing.

    13. For extra assurance, hang your panda ring on a psychedelic gizmo.

    14. Gift yourself a subscription box of curated sheet masks for skin that's totally "chok chok."

    15. Massage every inch of your sore body with a textured foam roller and get rid of allll those pesky knots.

    16. Order a box stuffed to the brim with delicious snacks that will make "hangry" temporarily disappear from your vocabulary.

    17. Switch out your ratty, worn-out undies for seamless high-waisted briefs that look and feel as if you're not actually wearing them.

    18. Stick acne patches as needed to make active pimples magically deflate overnight.

    19. Tuck charcoal-infused deodorizers into your smelly-ass shoes so you won't want to throw up next time you accidentally catch a whiff.

    20. Rainy day got you feeling down? Take a walk through the drizzle with a bubble umbrella so you can admire the beauty of an overcast day, rather than blocking it off.

    21. Stuff your shit into an adorable narwhal tote that you actually can't carry WITHOUT smiling.

    22. Start beach season off right with a flirty high-waisted bikini that you'll probably end up purchasing in all nine styles.

    23. But if you insist on a little variety, try a polka-dotted one-piece with just a smidge of see-through belly action.

    24. Plant some organic poppy flowers on your windowsill so you can wake up to a bright pop of color every morning.

    25. Dab away midday oil with adorably-packaged blotting papers that make it seem like you're powdering your face instead of taming its shine and slick.

    26. Accessorize with a gorgeous pressed flower pendant that might just take your breath away.

    27. Keep a book of illustrated puns close by for whenever you need a giggle break.

    28. Drop a delicious-smelling bad boy — I mean, bath bomb — into the tub for intensified relaxation.

    And lastly, stick a brilliant little reminder inside your wallet because Donna knows what's best.

    Not done treating yourself? Yeah, never. Take a peek at last month's post here!

    Happy clicking, happy buying, and happy everything!