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    24 Of The Best Valentine's Day Gifts Under $50

    My love for you is worth this much. The rest is in my heart, obviously.

    Hey! While we try to keep our posts updated as much as we can, this post is actually from 2018, so we can't guarantee that the pricing and/or availability of the products featured are accurate. For our most up-to-date recommendations, check out the 2019 version of this post!

    1. A cute-as-a-button journal that makes getting to know your partner better as easy as a question a day — hello, three-year time capsule.

    2. An ingenious waterproof notebook to write down all the Shakespeareworthy soliloquies that run through your mind while in the shower.

    3. Sickeningly cute pillowcases for lovesick long-distance couples who have to resist flying to their S.O. every week (for the sake of the bank account).

    4. A quirky zombie/pirate/ninja or mesmerizing galaxy tie, because if you're gonna go with a "traditional" gift, might as well jazz it up. Who doesn't love a fun print?

    5. A gorgeous handblown glass ~wishing ball~ to write down romantic musings and wishes/goals for the future for an extra dose of daily/weekly thoughtfulness.

    6. Or a few geometric wall planters for plants in out-of-the-ordinary places — so elegant yet minimalistic.

    7. A book of love-entwined poetry postcards so you can leave little doses of affection in unexpected places for your partner to read.

    8. A custom full-grain leather belt that's definitely the stylish (and most personalized) way to wear jeans, in my humble opinion.

    9. A date night snack subscription box for when you get sick of your typical dinner-and-movie rendezvous, as great as those are.

    10. A multicolored, accordionlike book light to accompany all those real ones — and it's a gift that *won't* require recipients to ~read between the lines~, no matter what stage of the relationship game you're at.

    11. An all-things-included two-person picnic backpack for many outdoor food and lounging excursions during long sunny days (ahead).

    12. A silly and endearing photo album specifically for couple selfies, because you take so many of them anyways, might as well stick 'em in a book instead of leaving them to float around in cyberstorage.

    13. A lightweight two-person sleeping bag for the coziest and cutest camping trip of your lives. Body heat, y'all.

    14. Or a brand-new set of ridiculously comfy microfiber sheets for the both of you to enjoy. Every single night. And every single day (naps, naps, and more naps!).

    15. Classic Vans that go with literally everything and belong in any laid-back but stylish gal's closet.

    16. A five-sectioned nonstick skillet pan so any differences in breakfast opinions don't cause relationship rifts — have your scrambled eggs and eat 'em too (while your partner munches on less desirable sausage links).

    17. Or go the extra mile with a durable nonstick 15-piece cookware set that makes the perfect portions for two people (aka not enough so you're forced to eat the same meal for the next week).

    18. An infinity scarf decorated with page-turning literary quotes perfect for the partner who'd sometimes rather cuddle up with a book than with you.

    19. A sentimental necklace set for the couple that still tears up every time they watch The Notebook.

    20. A simple but classic beanie that sits at No. 3 on the list of "things to help anyone survive winter."

    21. A color-changing humidifier/essential oil diffuser to create instant stress-free ambience, happier/less dry skin, and...a necessary dirty sock cover-up*.

    22. A craving-inducing cookbook that's honestly pretty self-explanatory — 100 accessible and beautifully photographed recipes to ignite your taste buds and jumpstart your late-blooming home chef career.

    23. A one-year Kinfolk digital subscription, plus access to the entire archive and web exclusives for a year, for all the slow-living (and Instagram-lustworthy) inspiration one could possibly need.

    24. Complementary "Mr. and Mrs." passport covers for jet-setting couples who probably start planning their next vacation while *still on* vacation.

    Valentine's Day 2018:

    The reviews used in this post have been edited for length and clarity.

    Looking for even more Valentine's Day gift ideas? Check out all of BuzzFeed’s Valentine's gift guides here!