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Here Are 14 Of The Worst Roommate Horror Stories Ever — Which Of These Roommates Would You Rather Live With?

This quiz is guaranteed to make you want to live alone for the rest of your life.

We asked the BuzzFeed Community to tell us about the worst experiences they've ever had with roommates. The responses were so wild and horrifying that we've decided to put them here in a "would you rather" quiz. Ready? Good luck!

Which roommate would you rather live with?

"One time my college roommate sat up in bed, turned to me, and projectile vomited from her bed onto mine, where I was lying. I was covered in throw-up. She then puked all over our carpet and refused to clean it up, so I had to."

—Tina Eileena, Facebook


"It was freshman year of college and my roommate came home wasted and wet the bed. Unfortunately she had the top bunk, so I got peed on."


Which roommate would you rather live with?

"My ex-roommate wasn't very clean, so one time my other roommate and I changed her bed for her. There were literally dead roaches in her sheets."

—Johanna Audiffred, Facebook


"I had a college roommate who, no lie, tried to breed guinea pigs under her bed."

—Starlyn Joy Palmateer, Facebook

Which roommate would you rather live with?

"I once had a roommate who 'accidentally' left her journal open on her bed. I got a glimpse of the open pages, which were covered in stick figure drawings of her murdering me. I moved out a week later."

—Emily Nicoletti Baker, Facebook


"My college roommate was so messy that she slept in a sleeping bag on the floor because she couldn't get to her bed. I didn't find out until months later, but because her room was so messy she'd have sex in MY bed."


Which roommate would you rather live with?

"One time my roommate and I got into a little disagreement about dirty dishes, so she dumped the freshly-used cat litter box onto my bed."



"In college my roommate pooped in the hallway and smeared it on the walls and on our bathroom sink. The worst part? This happened more than once."


Which roommate would you rather live with?

"I once realized my roommate was using the toilet sponge to clean our dishes. When I told him it was for cleaning the toilet, he just shrugged and kept going."



"I came home from class, and my roommate had accidentally spilled bleach on our carpet. She told me not to worry because she 'painted over it with brown paint and you can't even tell.' I’m not kidding. She literally painted our carpet brown."


Which roommate would you rather live with?

"I got home one night and saw that my bedroom door was closed, which was odd. I opened the door and saw my roommate touching himself while watching porn in MY BED. He wasn’t even fazed. He just walked out like nothing happened."



"I had a roommate who came home drunk and peed on the stove, so every time we cooked something it smelled like warm piss."


And finally, which roommate would you rather live with?

"One night, I was called by the police because one of my roommates poured piping-hot mashed potatoes on the other's laptop. It was ruined and the woman charged her for it."



"I reported my roommate for smoking in the room, and to get back at me, she hid her used menstrual products under my bed."
