I Just Wanna Talk About Sebastian Stan's Ludicrous Full Frontal Nude Scene In "Pam & Tommy"

    I'll never look at Tommy or Sebastian in the same way again.

    🚨 This post includes some mild spoilers for Pam & Tommy. 🚨

    This weekend, I caught up on the Hulu/Disney+ series Pam and Tommy, a dramatised take on the relationship between TV icon Pamela Anderson and rock star Tommy Lee.

    Given the public image of both Tommy and Pamela – and the fact that the series follows the story of their infamous sex tape being leaked on the internet – I guessed there would be some nudity... And WOW, I was right.

    Episode one mostly follows the story of Rand Gauthier, played by Seth Rogen. Rand was doing some construction work on Pam and Tommy's new Malibu shag-pad, until an erratic Tommy fires him and tell him to leave without being paid a cent.

    In episode two, things ~really~ escalate when Tommy meets Pam at a club and they begin their whirlwind affair.

    In the bathroom of Pam's luxury Ritz-Cartlon hotel room, things start to get a little racy. We see the pair begin to strip, and you think it's just gonna be a "tasteful" suggestion that they are both nude like in so many movies and shows... but OH NO.

    Pam decants her top to reveal her sizeable bosom.

    And Tommy drops trou to reveal... Well, everything (again, prosthetic).

    And it doesn't stop there. Cut to the next morning (after a night of rumpy-pumpy) when Tommy, high on drugs, has an entire conversation with his huge sentient penis!?!

    To quote Dodgeball, his dick "dodges, ducks, dips, dives, and dodges" and it gives Tommy advice on how to proceed with his feelings about Pam.

    Turns out a lot of other people were left similarly shook by the scene...

    Im watching Pam & Tommy right now and I was not expecting to see a scene of a fully exposed talking penis

    Twitter: @KISARVGI

    when you’re just trying to enjoy your meal and then get to the talking penis scene in pam and tommy

    Twitter: @jennyinsomnia

    “sebastian stan’s dick isn’t real in #pamandtommy it’s just a prosthetic” me:

    Twitter: @jxeker

    Writer Robert D. Siegel was inspired by a passage in Tommy Lee's memoir Tommyland to pen the vignette. Speaking to Variety, Siegel said "There was gentle pushback, because you’ve got to push back a little when a talking penis is presented to you. But Hulu was extremely supportive."

    Director Craig Gillespie also revealed the scene was "awkward", and required four puppeteers working with an animatronic penis. Seb himself was chill though, telling Variety that he "treated it like it was an intimate buddy conversation that one might have when they’re falling in love."

    I kinda hope this is a step forward for nudity in cinema – after all, it is just a body part, and making it talk and dance around sure does take the shock value out of it!

    Anyway, thanks Seb for a memorable weekend!

    Don't miss Sam Claflin in the new rom-com Book of Love from BuzzFeed Studios, available on Sky Cinema from 12 Feb.

    A promo photo for Book of Love featuring Sam Claflin and Verónica Echegui standing next to each other with Book of Love written in the middle of them