People Are Sharing Their Unpopular Opinions About Christmas And Honestly, I Can Relate

    "It's only fun if you are a kid or have kids."

    We recently asked the good people of our Buzzfeed community about their unpopular Christmas opinions. Here are some of the most controversial suggestions:

    1. "Ugly Christmas sweaters need to die out."

    2. "I'm gonna get hate for this, but I don't like Santa Claus."

    "He's creepy and watches you when you sleep lol."


    3. "Boxing Day lunch is WAAAAAAAAAAAY better than Christmas dinner."


    4. "I find unsolicited Christmas lists greedy and repulsive."


    5. "I hate the Elf on the Shelf."

    6. "I get so stressed out over Secret Santa!"

    "What will they like and how [will I] stay under budget?"


    7. "Die Hard is NOT a Christmas movie."

    "It just happens on Christmas. Please stop."


    8. "Red and green is the most awful colour combination ever."

    "Both colours are great on their own, but this need to drape everything with this combination of colour just grates on me and makes my head hurt."


    9. "👏🏻 DON’T 👏🏻 ASK 👏🏻 PEOPLE 👏🏻 FOR 👏🏻 A 👏🏻 CHRISTMAS👏🏻LIST👏🏻 IF 👏🏻 YOU’RE 👏🏻 GONNA 👏🏻 IGNORE 👏🏻 IT👏🏻."

    10. "My favorite Christmas song isn't even an actual Christmas song."

    "It's "Man in the Mirror" by Michael Jackson. For the longest time, I've interpreted it as being sung from the point of view of Ebenezer Scrooge at the very end of A Christmas Carol. Trust me, that logic tracks."


    11. "I wish it was more acceptable to just tell people what you want."

    "My sister and I have done this for years and I adore that I don't feel anxious about whether she is going to like what I got for her."


    12. "I do not like that Christmas is associated so much with gift giving/getting."

    "Somehow a single gift per child is frowned upon. We talk about being grateful, and then we give people things they don't even need. Teach your kids to give back to those who need it and not to expect to get several presents just because it’s a holiday."


    "I personally feel that a lot of people are forgetting what it is actually about."


    13. "I loathe a white Xmas."

    14. "Most Christmas music is old and cliched."

    "But it can't be replaced because new Christmas music is even worse!"


    15. "Personally like subtle Christmas decor."

    "The more you put up, the more I want to look the other way."


    16. "Advent calendars for pets are the most ridiculous thing ever."

    "[They] are a primary example of capitalism and materialism run amok."


    17. "Eartha Kitt's 'Santa Baby' should be the only one played."

    18. "Christmas Eve is definitely better than Christmas Day."

    "There's just something special about going to bed that night even as an adult!"


    19. "A Christmas dinner.... the best meal of the year.... RUINED by turkey and pigs in blankets."

    "Just no!"


    20. "If you aren't Christian, you shouldn't really celebrate Christmas."

    "That includes no Santa... No Christmas Carols. No advent calendars. No Christmas cards. No cursory attendance at Midnight Mass. Oh, and you're not allowed Easter eggs either for the same reason 😂."


    "I'm not religious in the slightest, so it feels wrong celebrating a Christian holiday."


    21. "It's only fun if you are a kid or have kids."

    Note: Some entries were edited for length and/or clarity.

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