Twinkle Khanna Shut Shit Down On A Guy Asking Her Why She Didn't Change Her Name After Marriage

    And it took her just one tweet.

    Twinkle Khanna and Akshay Kumar have been happily married for over 15 years now.

    But that doesn't stop prying fans from poking their noses into their business, like Twitter user @mp16p who started hounding Khanna about her decision to not change her surname after marriage.

    She decided that she'd had enough and slammed the book shut on all the haters, in just one tweet.

    A lot of people bring this up,though not as stridently as this gentleman-Khanna it will always be #MarriedNotBranded

    She even Instagrammed her reply and got unanimous support from her followers.

    And that's how it's done.