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22 Random Pop Culture Moments That I Can't Believe Actually Happened

LOL @ Sharon Osbourne pouring a drink on Megan from Rock of Love.

1. When Rihanna proved to be one of the greatest actresses of our time, pretending she remembered this fan from Monaco.


2. When Sharon Osbourne poured a drink on Megan from Rock of Love for dissing Ozzy.

3. When someone asked Paris Hilton for a picture and stepped right in front of Kim K.

4. When Madonna did a Q&A and there was a rat in the background:

5. When Oprah pretended she knew the lyrics to Mariah Carey's song.

Oprah pretending to know the lyrics to Mariah's We Belong Together is my new favourite thing in the entire world.

OWN / youtube.com

6. The entire "Beyoncé, sweetie" scene:

i swear the beyoncé sweetie video is ten times funnier than the picture


7. And when Beyoncé rightfully interpreted her name as a compliment:

8. This entire batshit crazy performance:

View this video on YouTube


9. When Christina Aguilera threw her gum at fans:

10. When Gwyneth Paltrow covered "Fuck You" by CeeLo and then performed it with him at the Grammys.

11. When Mariah came on TRL, delivering ice cream (??????), and then did a striptease:

12. When Whitney and Bobby did a synchronized dance while trying on sunglasses in their reality show.

13. When Britney Spears found out Ryan Seacrest wasn't gay and was stunned:

14. When Meghan Trainor invented falling:

15. When Leonardo DiCaprio made this face after Gaga walked by him at the Golden Globes.

16. When Kim K threw Kris's Blackberry, creating the "It's what she deserves" meme.


17. And when Kim took selfies while Khloé was going to jail.

18. Aaaaand when a young Kim K said she's the "dopest on the ropest."

19. When Katy Perry danced like this last month:

20. When Jessica Simpson told Ellen in May that her husband massages her — while he's sleeping.

21. When Jennifer Holliday did this on American Idol.

このパフォーマンスのおば様のエネルギー爆発が大好きすぎて、見て欲しい 当時16歳のジェシカもめっちゃ上手いのにジェシカ喰いそうなジェニファーホリデー様の歌声よ… Jessica & Jennifer Holliday: And I… https://t.co/uabAWS6Rpl


22. And last but not least, when Miss New York had no clue what "break a leg" meant:

the greatest tv moment in history

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