Turns Out, Anne Hathaway Is A Big Ol' Pothead

    The Princess of Genovia is now the Queen of Marijuana.

    You know Anne Hathaway. She's an Oscar winner, has a squeaky clean image, and is basically the human version of vanilla ice cream.

    Well she basically said "eff it" to that image on Thursday night, when she was interviewed on Andy Cohen's Watch What Happens Live.

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    Andy had her play "Plead The Fifth," a game where he asks three questions — two of which she MUST answer.

    Anne agreed to play, but not without some liquid courage first.

    The first question was amazing. Andy asked her how big of a stoner she is.

    Before answering, she raised her right eyebrow, smiled deviously...

    ...and then delivered the most iconically non-Anne Hathaway line:

    AKA SHE'S A BIG POTHEAD. Yesssss, Anne.

    Still, a few moments later, she went to back to normal Anne and explained how she's a parent and also doesn't want to get arrested.

    Understandable. But still — thank you, Anne. And enjoy.