21 Secrets About Postal Workers You Didn't Know You Needed

    Delivered to you in a list.

    1. Postal workers deliver just about EVERYTHING. This includes bugs, for people who think it's a good idea to live with reptiles.

    2. As well as people's cremated ashes:

    3. And drugs, for people who are high enough to think they can get away with that.

    4. But they don't just deliver mail. They're also basically therapists for anyone interested, which means they get the juiciest gossip 24/7.

    5. They know who is cheating on their spouse:

    6. Who gets accepted to which colleges:

    7. And they're also one of the first to know who has died.

    8. The job can be really rewarding. Each year, postal workers respond to thousands of kids' Christmas letters as Santa Claus.

    9. And they get to meet so many dogs. Yes, they love dogs...

    10. ...even though many have been attacked by them.

    Twitter: @ginakmiotek

    11. Postal workers have been through a lot, which is why most branches are so close. They often host benefits for workers and their families who need it, as well as other charities.

    12. But that doesn't mean there isn't drama and fighting over routes, seniority, and personal stuff. People do go postal.

    13. Wouldn't you if you were stuck in a truck with AC that barely worked?

    14. Or if you constantly had people trying to intercept credit card bills?

    15. And progress reports?

    16. As a customer, there are just some things you shouldn't do. Don't be one of those people who waits for them at the mailbox everyday.

    17. Don't be one of those pranksters who leave them ~surprises~ in the mailbox.

    18. And, if possible, don't forget to tip them during the holidays.

    19. And whatever you do, DO NOT BLOCK THE MAILBOX.

    20. Avoid doing those things and you won't just get their stamp of approval (which, by the way, they have to pay for)...

    21. You two will probably become besties.