People Are Sharing Their Graduation Fails And They're Hilariously Embarrassing

    "Hey, Mom, wanna get a copy of my orgasm face?"

    1. This cap attack:

    UT had to serve me one last L before I left.

    2. And this one, too:

    When you try to take cute grad pictures and fail miserably

    3. This failed backflip:

    I have no regrets! Everyone RT this to get this viral @nmhsclassof2016 #BackflipFail #Epicfail2016 #GraduationFail

    4. And this one, too:

    Official* advice: do not attempt backflips at Graduation #Graduationfail *Not really

    5. Also, this failed cartwheel:

    6. This unsuccessful diploma acceptance:

    7. And this unsuccessful graduation jig:

    Epic FAIL during graduation... LOL -

    8. This incorrect message for 2017 "gradudates."

    I'm thinking this is inspiration for a hashtag theme @FallonTonight #graduationfail

    9. And this unfortunate abbreviation:

    10. This cake, where the cake maker definitely misheard instructions "draw a cap" for "draw a cat."

    11. And this "congatulatory" cake:

    How the fuck do you even... #graduationfail

    12. And this actual grad cap that featured the wrong "hire."

    13. This even more unacceptable spelling error:

    14. This graduation photo, which features what the graduate calls his "orgasm face."

    15. This grad, who ate the ground:

    Photos: California High School Graduation 2015

    16. And this brawl, which is just a total fail:

    Folks Cut Up At Arlington Graduation πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    17. And this situation, which might be considered a fail to some:

    18. And of course, the most iconic graduation fail β€” this girl, who fell for like a minute:

    #Watch Epic #GraduationFail High Heel problems! #OhLawd πŸ˜‚πŸ™Œ Shout out to #ClassOf2015 @shoboyshow #FindShoboy