16 Parents Who Discovered Their Children's Twitter And Found Stuff They Didn't Like

    Featuring some NSFW tweets.

    1. This mom discovered her daughter's Twitter — after taking away her phone:

    Mom using daughter's Nintendo DS to tweet her followers "I seen that Dorothy has been using Twitter on her Nintendo. This account will be shut down now."

    2. This dad wanted to know why his daughter is getting drunk:

    My dad found my twitter and I forgot my stepbrothers name lmaooooohidadhowareyouooo 😂😂

    3. This dad dragged his child after seeing the number of tweets they had:

    4. This mom dragged the amount of active followers:

    5. This mom found her son's thirsty Twitter:

    A mom asking her son why he tweeted "I want him to destroy my hole" with a picture of a man

    6. This mom printed out her daughter's deep-throating tweets:

    the first time my mom found my twitter account i was in emo stan twitter and she printed my tweets out and brought me to therapy cos i was talking abt deepthroating dick

    7. And this mom printed out her child's tweets:

    Throwback to when my mom found my twitter and grounded me for a year

    Mom printed out a tweet about "titties and beer"

    8. And same with this mom:

    My mom found my Twitter and is making me apologize for all the swears I'm sorry everyone

    9. This mom discovered her son's Twitter, which featured a NSFW tweet about Joe Rogan:

    I don't get it, but maybe someone in the comments can explain.

    10. This dad found his daughter's Twitter and replied this, lol:

    My dad found my twitter lmaooooo, today’s the day were I finally protected my tweets

    11. This dad wasn't too happy about this retweet:

    Guys. My dad found my Twitter. Help??

    12. This mom sent her daughter a Facebook message after discovering her twitter:

    Happy mother's day, y'all! Please never ever forget that this is how my mom reacted when she first found my twitter!

    13. This mom found her daughter's Twitter and also found out she's been skipping class:

    my mom found my twitter from the reddit post .... this is the end. bye y’all!

    14. And this mom used Twitter lingo to drag her daughter's Twitter:

    My mom saw my Twitter and is hating....

    15. This mom found out her son may smoke:

    RT @mdotbrown: It's been fun, but my mom found my twitter. Bye.

    16. And lastly, this dad found his son's VERY NSFW joke tweet:

    Has your parent ever discovered your Twitter, Instagram, or other social media? Let me know in the comments below!